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And then it ended abruptly…when he was killed in a farming accident! Tommy was eleven then. Growing up I noticed he had a lot of his father’s traits, especially his fetish for stocking feet. I always saw him looking at my feet as I always wore hose every day because it pleased his father and I still wear them because I enjoy them so much. Of course, being our son, I had never thought of Tom in a sexual way and so his glances and stares had no effect on me. Now, after being lonely and alone for three years and his ascent into adulthood as a young man, Tom’s attraction to my stocking feet, in spite of my efforts to suppress it, triggered those old lustful feelings again. I was working now, and Tom was attending a school and living at home. We had finished dinner and the kitchen was cleaned up, and we both sat in the living room to watch some TV. Tom usually sat on the sofa facing the TV, and I usually sat in the recliner sort of between the sofa and the TV. I picked up a newspaper and. ' Steve was a professional who ran his own archaeological survey crew. They mostly did foot survey for the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management. They also worked as consultants for assorted mines. Steve was an excellent 'pit boss.'The summer work for Davis was Steve's 'Busman's Holiday.' Steve was responsible for training the nominal sophomores in proper survey techniques.Transits were used to discover the actual elevation of the base of the cliff where David, Wendy, Rachael and Kimberley had landed by parachute so many years in the past. (If you haven't read STOPWATCH and AFTER THE FALL you will have no idea what happened and why Wendolyn chose this particular spot.)GPS was just coming into it's own. But the conventions must be observed if a site were considered to be authentic.Authentication is all! Without it, their dig would be just another amateur pothunter hole in the ground. Davis was Principal Investigator. He didn't have to actually BE resident on the site ... he.
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